Language is one of
the most important things in
human life and the best language
to make a communication all over the world belongs to English
because most of
the people in the world use English
to make their communication. For that reason, almost all countries
in the world establish English as one of the subjects that should be learned.
Learning English is not as easy as we think, moreover for teachers. Teachers have to understand English well and
the use of it. Besides, they should make their students understand English in a
good way. To make students understand English in a good way, teachers should
have a special teaching method so
their students are able to understand to use English and learning process can
be conducted well. Nowadays,
there are a lot of theories of teaching method, but not all of those theories
are applicable to learn English. In this case, the teachers should determine
wisely which theory of learning method that is compatible not only with the subject
that they teach but also with the object that they teach. One of the learning
theories that is applicable
to learn English is drive reduction theory. This theory offers an effective way
to learn English because the fundamental aspects of this theory are applicable to learn English. Further,
let me explain about several principles of drive reduction theory and the
implication of it. However, it will be fine if I make clear why the drive
reduction theory is applicable in learning English previously.
The drive reduction theory is a learning
theory by Clark Hull that can be applied in almost all learning processes especially in learning English because
some of the fundamental aspects of this theory have similarities with the aim of English learning
process in general. It is related by several fundamental aspects, three of
which are the concept of this theory, the principle of this theory, and the aim
of this theory itself. The concept of this theory is to exploit a human need in the process
of learning and the needs that the human has will raise the drive to make behaviour. It is
almost the same as
the goal of learning English that intends all of the students to have behaviour
to learn, even without any supervision by the teachers. The other similarity
that makes this theory applicable to learn English is the principles of this
theory. The drive reduction theory has four basic principles that all of those
principles have the main purpose to make the learners active and attentive to
their teachers. It is the same as
the general purpose of learning process, almost all of the teachers want to
make their students active and attentive to them. The last similarity is about
the aim of this theory itself. The aim of drive reduction theory is creating a drive
that motivates somebody
to satisfy his or her needs.
It is also the same as
the aim of learning English processes
in general. Generally, most of the teachers want to motivate their students to
fulfil their needs, which are the needs of curiosity to learn English because
if the teachers are able to motivate their students to fulfil the needs of
curiosity to
learn English, the learning process will be conducted effectively. For all of
the similarities of this theory, it demonstrates
that the drive reduction theory is applicable to learn English.
Soon after making sure that this theory
is applicable to learn English, let me describe each
principle of this theory. The drive reduction theory has four basic principles.
The most important principle is
teachers should think about the way to make their students have a passion of
learning in every learning
In this case, the teachers should make a class that is as comfortable as possible for the students in
order to their students want to involve in learning process if all of the students have involved in learning
process, the teacher will be easy to handle the class. For example, before conducting the class, the teacher
should give a greeting and some motivations to the students.
The second most significant principle
is the teachers must have an attractive method to make their students attentive to them. For
example, the teachers sing an English song, which is familiar to their
students. Spontaneously, their students will give their attention to the
teachers and learning process can be conducted easily. The other substantial principle is the
students must be active in learning process. To make the students active, the
teachers have to hold several activities, such as making a quiz, having the students to present in front of the
class and other ways to increase the liveliness of the students. The last
principle is the teachers must hold a learning process that satisfies the
learner's wants. It means that in every learning process the teachers have to
succeed to fulfil the target of learning. For instance, if in the curriculum is
stated that the students must be able to make a good paragraph, the teachers
have to prove it in
the last of the course that the students qualify to make a good paragraph. In
short, all of the principles of drive reduction theory stand to make the
teachers easy to conduct a learning process in a good way.
Finding out what the drive reduction is and
the principles of this theory are not enough for the teachers to conduct
English class learning in a good way. The teachers have to be capable of
implying this theory to learn English in the classroom. Let me give you several
steps to imply this theory in the classroom. The first step is the teachers
have to make sure that all of the students are taking part in the learning
process. This step can be carried
by capturing the students' attention. For instance, if the teachers want to
explain “Noun”, they can ask to the students to mention some of the nouns that they have already known. By performing this step, the teacher
will get an attention from their students. The second step is the teachers
should motivate all of their students in the middle of the class by giving some
achievements. As we know that achievement is the fundamental human need. For
that reason, the teachers should give a reward for every positive thing that is performed by the students. For
example, if the student can mention some of nouns that are asked by the teachers, they have to
give a reward to the student by giving point or others. The last step is the
teachers have to make sure that they have satisfied the students' curiosity.
This step can be carried out
by giving several questions to the students to make sure whether the students
are able to catch or not what the teachers have explained. If the students are
able to answer the question from the teachers correctly, it means that the
teachers have satisfied the students’ curiosity. To sum up, the teachers not
only have to understand about this theory, but also they have to be able to
imply this theory in the English learning class.
In short, English is becoming one of the
subject lessons that must be learned in almost all countries in the world including
our country. However, to learn English is not easy. In this case, teachers need a learning theory
that is applicable
to learn English in a good way.
reduction theory by Clark Hull is one of the learning theories that applicable
to learn English. As a consequence, the teachers who want to conduct an English
lesson well,
they have to understand this theory and
be able to apply it in the English learning process.
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