Name : Ramadhantra Sancaka P.
NIM : 120221414978
Children’s TV Watching
nowadays tend to spend most of their time watching TV programs besides going to
school. It is okay if the content and the watching time is in inder parents’
control, but in some cases parents’ ignore this control just for letting their
children to have their fun. They were wrong. Children’s TV watching has good
and bad effects. First influence is children’s cognitive development. When
children are addicted to watch TV, they often neglect their usual activities
like study, eating, etcetera. It can make a great obstruction in their
cognitive development. Next aspect is psychomotoric. Too long watching TV makes
the body stiff and they become lazy. Children who watch TV too often are tend
to have obesity, or ophthalmic problems. Their bones, back bone especially, can
grow at wrong way, which can make them looked humped. Another aspect is
affective. When children watch TV programs, especially cartoons, they always pinpoint
a character to become their idol. The this is, this character did not always do
good things. For example in Disney Channel I saw the character my little
brother and sister like doing bad things like insulting people, hit other
character when they want, etcetera. Even though there are so many disadvantages
of children’s TV watching, but it too has a good effects. For example if they
watch a magic and science shows, their positive thinking will be developed.
They will imagine and think that the world has so much to learned. They will be
more creative and have broad knowledge. Other aspect is motivation. Kids do not
always see their favourite character’s bad trait, but they also learned about
good traits that the character has, such as loyalty, friendship, hard-working,
etcetera. Those aspect will motivate them and help developing the children’s
ability to socialize. In addition, there are a positive and a negative effects
of children’s TV watching that will influence children’s development in some
aspects. Therefore parents must be selective to choose the suitable TV programs
for their child’s development.
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