Final Project
Indonesia Moves toward Curriculum 2013
Indonesia has changed its curriculum ten times from 1947 to KTSP ( Those
are curriculum 1947 called Planning
of Teaching (Rencana Pengajaran), 1964 curriculum was Basic Education Planning
(Rencana Pendidikan Dasar), 1968 curriculum was Elementary School Curriculum (Kurikulum
Sekolah Dasar), 1974 PPSP (Proyek Perintis Sekolah Pembangunan) Curriculum, in
1975 was Elementary School Curriculum, in
1984, it was called 1984 Designed Curriculum , in 1994: 1984 Designed
Curriculum, in 1997 : 1994 Revised Curriculum, 2004 : Curriculum Based
Competence (Kurikulum Berbasis Kempetense), 2006 : KTSP (Kurikulum Tingkat
Satuan Pendidikan). Ministry of education and culture of Indonesia has already
published the new curriculum for Indonesia’s education. It is called the 2013
curriculum. The 2013 curriculum will change the last curriculum KTSP. By
variety of reasons, the 2013 curriculum is expected to be able to increase
Indonesia’s education in this globalization era. Then now the 2013 curriculum is still
discussed as a pro-contra issue.
KTSP which now is implemented in Indonesia has significant differences in the 2013 curriculum. The most distinguished thing
is the structures of those curricula. The 2013 curriculum will have a fewer subjects than KTSP. Total
subjects for KTSP are 11, but in the 2013 curriculum will just have 6 subjects.
They are religion, civilization (PKn), Indonesian, mathematics, culture (SBK), and sport (PJOK). Together with the
changed lesson science (IPA) and social (IPS) will be integrated into
Indonesian subject. Moreover, in the 2013 curriculum will apply a thematic
learning method starts from 1st grade until 6th grade,
though KTSP applies thematic learning method for 1st grade until 3rd
grade and for 4th grade uses lesson approach. Furthermore, there is an
additional time in the 2013 curriculum for elementary school. It was 26 hours,
but in the new curriculum it will be 30 hours every week. On one hand, KTSP and
the 2013 curriculum also have similarities. First, they are discussed and
arranged by the government, specifically the
Department of National Education (Depdiknas). Second, some subjects in the KTSP are still
taught in the 2013 curriculum, for example Indonesian, mathematics, religion, civilization,
etc. Then the 2013 curriculum might be mentioned as one-fourth revision
of the KTSP.
The implementation of the 2013 curriculum has some effects in several ways somehow. The effects must be in positive or
negative. The advantages are the good standard competence, the constructive
approximation method, and the continuing competence from SD to SMA. Firstly, the graduation standard competence is well-ordered.
According to KTSP, the subjects had to be fixed to maintain it. On the
contrary, the 2013 curriculum, the determination of graduation standard competence had to be fixed first before the subjects.
Secondly, the 2013 curriculum completes the approximation method based on the
students’ creativity. The new curriculum fulfils three main components of
education: knowledge, skill, and attitude. Knowledge is proved by the lesson in general. Skill is from their
practical lesson like sports and attitude is reflected by implementing the
additional time for religion subject. In view of character building and religion subjects are inserted into the 2013
curriculum more. Thirdly, the 2013 curriculum is designed continuously from SD to SMA. Specifically,
the SMA competence is a continuance from SD and SMP. In spite of those positive sides, the new curriculum also has several weaknesses. The disadvantages are teachers’
position threatened to be relocated, obstruct
children’s intelligence, and unobvious lesson.
First, English and IT (Information and Technology) teachers might lose their
job. It is because IT subject that was taught in SMP and SMA would be removed
and it is also done in English for SD. As a consequence, IT and English
teachers who half of them are honorary teachers will have no time to teach or
the worst is they will be fired. Second, the new curriculum will just obstruct
children’s intelligence. Children have eight kinds of intelligences which have
to be developed. It is called Multiple Intelligence theory by Howard Gardner, Harvard
University. One of the eight intelligences is Language Intelligence which can be
identified from child's skill in processing words while speaking or writing. Furthermore,
If English is removed as a subject for SD, students would just know fewer
vocabularies might be important to learn another subject. Such as when they
learn science and some words in the textbook are absorbed from English. As a
result, they might have difficulties in saying English words in the future
because when they were still being children, they were not accustomed to saying
any English words. Third, the lesson will be unclear to learn. In fact, Social
and Science lessons are combined into one. That is Indonesian. Naturally, it is
difficult to differ for the students to learn science in the Indonesian. Additionally,
Secretary-general of Indonesian Educators Assosiation from UPI, Dadang S
Anshori, said that it is hard to integrate Social and Science lessons into
Indonesian. They are not part of Indonesian . The root of them are completely
different, whether based on epistemology, ontology or axiology. Overall, the
2013 curriculum seems to bright sides
and dark sides to be implemented.
In this regard, the government should focus on preparing many things to implement the new
curriculum. At least there are three important things must be fixed. They are the textbook, teacher training; education
governance. The most significant preparation is the textbook. If the curriculum
is revised, and the textbook is unchanged, as a result the new curriculum will
look like a paper tiger. It means something that seems as threatening as a tiger, but does not withstand a challenge. The government should prepare source books for teachers and students, and of course both contents are
different. The next prominent readiness is teachers training. In this
case the implementation of the curriculum is done stage by stage so the teacher training will also be applied continuously. If the
implementation starts from the 1st grade, the 4th grade, the 7th grade, and the 10th grade, at least the teachers who will join
approximately 500.000. The last
eminent thing which has to be fixed is the education governance. The ministry
has intended the stage of the education governance. For that
reason, the education governance for the 2013 curriculum is also adjusted such as the report administration book. Surely, changing the curriculum will change four aspects: the content
standards, process standards, graduation standards, and assessment standards. If
standards in the KTSP are changed so that the report administration
book. All of these changes mean
that the new curriculum really needs a big set-up to be done by the government.
between KTSP and the 2013 curriculum make some differences and resemblances. It can
be a good side and a bad side indeed. In
order to control the unexpected impacts, well-preparation of the government is
completely needed. In conclusion, the implementation of 2013 curriculum has faced many polemics. If the 2013 curriculum will be implemented in in
the 2013/2014 academic year, the government, teachers, and every person included must support the change by
doing considerably in their own authorities.
By : Mirzatus Solikhah
Armstrong, Thomas. 2002. Setiap
Anak Cerdas. Jakarta: PT Gramedia Pustaka Umum.
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