Amanda Vira – 120221414932
Diajeng Fitrah Indi P
Dewi Susan – 120221401478
Kunta Billah – 1202214141969
[Order of Step]
conduct the classroom activity in the process of teaching speaking, one method
that can be used is Genre Based Approach. The activities of Genre Based
Approach consist of 4 stages. Each stage has its own purpose and activity. The
first stage is Building Knowledge of Field (BKoF). This stage focuses on
building up a shared experience and cultural context about the topic of
speaking. For example, in this case the topic is pollution. We as a teacher can
ask students to talk about what they know regarding pollution. In this step
they can talk and share about each other’s thought on pollution. They can talk
about kinds of pollution, what causes pollution, and the effect of pollution.
At the end of this step, students are expected to know about pollution in
general. The second is Modeling of Text (MoT). This step introduce a particular
genre though a model of speaking that deals with the field that the students
have already explored in the stage of building knowledge of field. Again, we
use pollution as the topic. After students have the general knowledge about
pollution, we can give them the knowledge about how to deliver information through
speaking. We can give them how to keep on a topic, how to organize words in
speaking, or even basic of speaking such as pronunciations. The next stage is Join
Construction of Text (JCoT). The students are
already familiar with all of the features of a particular genre, a teacher and
students work together to construct speaking that are similar to the model that
have already being learnt in the previous stage. In constructing the text,
attention should be paid to the schematic structure, linguistic features and
knowledge of the field of speaking. We still use pollution as an example. In
this step, students should already talk and share each other experience
regarding of pollution and also know how to deliver information through
speaking. It is expected that they can combine how to deliver information about
pollution through speaking with correct schematic structures and linguistic
features. The final stage is Independent Construction of Text (ICoT). The
students are ready to work independently to produce their own speaking within
the chosen genre. Let the students work on their own. In other words, a teacher
should minimize their support, scaffolding and interference on students
learning process. Continuing the example
before, hope that in this step students already have more knowledge about
pollution, have the knowledge about how to deliver information through
speaking, and is apply to apply both correctly. However, the students not only able
to apply it correctly, but also expected to be able to do that by themselves. In
brief, Genre Based Approach is a method of knowledge that makes students
more active by exploring the content by themselves, and is also make students
less dependent on other students and teacher because they are expected to be
able to construct a text by themselves at the end.
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