Dewi Susan (120221401478)
English is one of very important languages
that must be studied. Nowadays, many countries in the world such as Indonesia
make some new programs to make the education better. In order to raise the
quality of education in Indonesia, it founds such a school with international
standards. It called RSBI (International School to be) and SBI (International
School). RSBI is a school toward an International School that prepares the
students based on the national standards of Indonesian and international level,
so that graduates are expected to have the capability of international
Because in Indonesia there were many people
who have a capability to send their children study abroad in 1990, Indonesian
government thought to open such an International School. The first standing of
RSBI was in the end of 1999. In 1999 the Indonesian government gave more
special attention to education in Indonesia.
The national minister of education (KEMENDIKNAS) wanted to build high
quality schools as a center of education. In 2000, KEMENDIKNAS started to establish an international standard school.
Indonesia wanted to have an international confession toward the quality of
process and the rest of the education, so KEMENDIKNAS
made a new rule it was article
50 paragraph (3) of Law No. 20 Year 2003 about the inauguration of RSBI.
Finally with all of judgment, KEMENDIKNAS
officially open RSBI on 2005 with some hard requirements for school which
wanted to become International School Stub (RSBI) or International School
People must have a lot of money to be in RSBI
or SBI. Because the quality of RSBI and SBI are very good, that is why the
payment is also expensive. The significant different payment level between
regular and international schools is shown by the tuition in both kinds of
school. Look the table of the payment comparison of RSBI and Regular School! (
Regular School
RSBI (International School)
First year
Second year
Third year
Rp. 150.000
Rp. 5.000.000
Rp. 1.000.000
Rp. 800.000
Besides, the facilities
in RSBI are more complete than in regular schools either physical or non physical.
For example, RSBI uses the bilingual system in process of studying.
Because of the high cost, some of societies are
glad with that new program of education system, but some not. It contains pros
and cons, many effects come from this problem. The positive effects help the
pros to stay with their argument. The first good effect is about quality. For
example RSBI has good qualities of teachers. 70% of teachers are required to get
S2 degree. Not only that, all teachers must have an ability to speak English
fluently. They help the students easier in studying English or even general
subject. Another good effect is about human race. International Schools create
a global rivalry in term of education. The output of RSBI will be ready to face
a global rivalry. Another advantage is about other countries’ educational view
of Indonesia. Indonesia will have a good point of education if it has many high
quality schools.
After several years of the establishing of
RSBI, many bad effects of it grow up. One of the effects is about social
aspect. There is a social discrimination between rich people and poor people.
Because of the high cost, poor people cannot pay the tuition and never study
there. This financial aspect is not relevant with the article 31 paragraph (2)
of UUD 1945 which explains that every child must have an education and
the government should pay for it. Another bad side is about nationality.
Either the teachers or the students have to speak English every time in every
possible room, such as in classrooms, teacher offices, libraries, and
laboratories. It means that students will rarely speak Bahasa Indonesia. They do not have enough time to speak thru their
mother tongue. It will decrease the using of Bahasa Indonesia and may kill the nationality of Indonesian
gradually. The most frightening thing is when our cultures especially Bahasa Indonesia disappear, when every
body speak English and forget their culture. Another bad thing is about the
written law. There is no written rule that protects an International School to
be. Many schools are built with the international status and high cost, but the
qualities are not as good as the status. Because there are many problems and
unclear things about International School Stubs, finally on January 2013 the
Constitutional Court (MK) invalidated Article 50 paragraph (3) of Law No. 20
Year 2003 on National Education System which is arranging the International
School Stubs (RSBI) and International School (SBI). The National Minister of
education directly erased RSBI on January 2013.
In addition, International and Regular Schools
have the same purpose. They produce the best graduates in different ways. Actually
our government already expended many ways in order to make the education system
in Indonesia better. Therefore, school must appreciate them by obeying the
government rules.
UUD Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia Tahun 1945
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