Hissha stands for Hearty, Intelligent, Scrupulous, Sophisticated, Hilarious, and Art-minded. Hissha is from Japanese means writer. Paragraph Writing Class - English Learning and Teaching 2012 - State University of Malang


            Language is one of the most important things in life. Everyone has learned the language since they were babies. Children language development occurs in several stages. The role of parents is also important for the development of children's language. From birth until around 6 months, babies make a great deal of noise. In this ages they usually squeal, squeak, and growl. They can also laughing and make sounds such as ohh, eehhh, ahhh. They are able to respond to human voices by turning his head and eyes. They know appropriately to friendly and angry tones. In this age, parents must always communicate with their babies and do not make angry voice because it can make babies afraid and cry. From 6 until 12 months, they produce more complicated sounds called babbling. They can make some consonant voices and usually some children in this age understand between 5 and 10 words. They can say dada, daddy, mama, and more easy words. In this age parents, must teach them more words until they can say it From 12 until 18 months, most of children understand words between 50 to 100. They not only can understand many words but also the can produce words between 25 to50. They also can understand simple instructions. For example when their parents make a joke, the children will laugh. In this age parents must make their child respond to understand more things, say a word and then pointing a picture that the words mean. From 18 until 24 months, most of children can say two words of sentences. For example, “I eat, I sleep, I smile” They are able to use at least two prepositions such as, in; on. They can use two pronouns correctly: me, you.  In this age parents can teach their child by give them some easy question to point their nose, eyes, lips, and etc. From 24 until 36 months, they can say three words of sentences easily. For example, “I eat noodle.” They also understand most of simple questions about their activity. For example, “what are you doing?” In this age, parents must give them many question about their activities, such as ask what she or he is doing, what is her or his name, her or his parents’ name, and etc. From 36 until 48 months, most of children understand between 600-1000 words and can make about 3 to 4 words of sentences. For example, “I sleep on the bed.” They also can answer what, where, and when questions easily and know name of familiar animals in their environment. They can make sentences using past tense and more grammar. From 48 until 60 months, most of children’s vocabulary increases to 1000-1600 words and can make between 4 to 6 words of sentences. They can count from 1 to 10 and know his or her age. They know common opposites, big-little, hard-soft. For example, they know if tiger is bigger than cat. From 60 until 72 months, most of children’s vocabulary increases between 1500 to 2100 words and can make between 5 to 6 words of sentences. They can make complete sentences and they know a little bit alphabet. In this age they have many questions. They want to know many things, and for this case parents must answer all of her or his question so that they can learn more and understand more. In brief, increasing of their age, their language development will increase too such as the increase of their vocabulary, their grammar, and etc. Therefore, parents must be creative to help their child increase her or his understanding of language.


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